
गत माह असम के तीन जिलों में हिंसा का ताण्डव हुआ। सारा देश जानता है कि अवैध बांग्लादेशी घुसपैठियों द्वारा स्थानीय लोगों की जमीनों का कब्जे तथा जनसांख्यकीय असंतुलन के कारण यह भयावह स्थिति निर्माण हुआ। गत ३०-४० वर्षों में नियोजित रूप से बांग्लादेश से भारत में घुसपैठ जारी है । सरकारी अनुमान के अनुसार भी २ करोड़ से अधिक अवैध घुसपैठी भारत में रह रहे हैं। विशेषज्ञों के निजी अनुमान के साथ ही असम के पूर्व राज्यपाल जनरल सिन्हा द्वारा भारत के राष्ट्रपति को लिखे पत्र में यह कहा गया कि भारत में अवैध बांग्लदेशियों की संख्या ५ करोड़ के निकट है। सभी राज्यों में ये लोग पहुंच चुके हैं। किन्तु असम व पश्चिमी बंगाल के उत्तरी जिलों की स्थिति सर्वाधिक विकट है। जनसंख्या के इस अवांछित दबाव के कारण जहाँ एक ओर आर्थिक संसाधनों पर विपरीत परिणाम हो रहा है वही दूसरी ओर सांस्कृतिक सौहार्द में भी तनाव बढ़ता रहा है। जनगणना…

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Job Talk with Anita Clew

A reader writes…

Hi Anita,

I have recently been promoted at my job and the new position requires that I spend quite a bit of time on the road. I need some help understanding the proper procedures and in-and-outs of mileage reimbursements and hoping you can help. Thanks, Anita!

Dear On-the-Move,

What great news! I love hearing about success stories. Congratulations on the promotion. Many companies have moved away from providing company cars to their traveling employees due to budget cuts and insurance/liability issues. More often than not, employees are asked to use their personal vehicles for on-the-job transportation and in return receive monetary compensation per mile driven or are given a car allowance for renting vehicles.

Each company has the choice to reimburse mileage expenses. There is currently no government mandate that requires what a company reimburses employees per mile. The reimbursement is not only intended to cover the…

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 ‘‘अमेरिका निवासी मेरी प्यारी बहनों तथा भाइयों” ११ सितम्बर १८९३ को शिकागो के कोलम्बस हॉल में स्वामी विवेकानन्द के इन शब्दों ने मानों चमत्कार कर दिया । ३००० से अधिक श्रोता स्वयंस्फूर्त खड़े  हो गये । कुछ कूदकर मंच पर चढ़ गये । सभी एक क्षण में अपने सगे से प्रिय बने इस युवा संन्यासी के निकट जाना चाहते थे । कुछ उन्हें छूना चाहते थे । सभी उन्हें अपने हृदय में बसा चुके थे । उन शब्दों में नाविन्य नहीं था । अनुसंधान बताते हैं  कि स्वामीजी से पूर्व उसी सभा में ४ और वक्ताओं  ने भातृत्व भाव वाले इस संबोधन का प्रयोग किया था । क्या सभी को ऐसा प्रतिसाद श्रोताओं से मिला ? निश्चित ही नहीं । स्वामीजी के शब्दों ने नहीं भावों ने केवल श्रोताओं का ही नहीं पूरी अमेरिका का दिल जीत लिया था । भगिनी निवेदिता लिखती हैं  कि वे तो बन्धुत्व की प्रतिमूर्ति बन…

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WordPress.com News

Happy Themeday, all! Today we have two brand-spankin’-new themes for your visual enjoyment.


First up is Gridspace, a classic, elegant premium theme by Graph Paper Press.

Gridspace lets you show your work in style. Designed as a portfolio for photographers, its slick features include light and dark color schemes, multiple thumbnail sizes, a responsive design, and a convenient space for your logo. Your readers can easily switch between two blog layouts on the fly – grid view and list view – while large featured images and an elegant overall design make your work the focus.

Live on the grid, and check out Gridspace on the Theme Showcase!

Next up is Ascetica, a beautiful theme from AlienWP, designed by Galin Simeonov.

Get rid of the clutter and concentrate on your content. Ascetica prefers subtle details over flashy gimmicks and provides the perfect balance of minimalism, white-space, responsiveness, and customization to allow you to focus…

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WordPress.com News

Looking for a new and exciting way to share your images with the world? Well, look no further! Avid is an innovative premium theme for photographers from The Theme Foundry. With a unique photoblog layout, beautiful gallery, and retina-optimized interface, Avid makes it easy to share all of your snapshots, photographs, and creative work.

Every detail of Avid is carefully crafted with photographers in mind. Avid gives you the power to quickly and easily showcase your images, galleries, videos, and blog posts in a beautiful, responsive layout. Read more about Avid in the Theme Showcase and then take it for a test spin by visiting the live demo.

Avid was designed by Dave Ruiz of Foundation Six.

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Job Talk with Anita Clew

A reader writes:

Hi Anita,

I’m looking for work and want to be presentable when cold calling & interviewing but it’s hard in this heat to not wear something comfortable. What colors should I lean toward when I am going to an interview or cold calling (in person), etc?  I really appreciate your posts and you always have excellent advice.

Hi, Color Curious,         Woman in Grey Suit

Thanks for the question. Color choices say a lot about who you are right off the bat. It shows all sorts of emotions and personality traits and can even evoke feelings from the person with whom you’re interviewing or meeting. Research has shown that nonverbal communication accounts for 85% of communication exchanges between 2 or more people. Wouldn’t you want to make sure you are communicating the right vibe and professional language when searching for a job or participating in an important meeting? I would definitely hope…

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WordPress.com News

For many, blogging is a solo journey, but it doesn’t have to be. Did you know a blog on WordPress.com can have multiple contributors? Check out the following group blogs, and you might find inspiration for a project that your friends, colleagues, or family members would love to collaborate on:

Jessica Korteman

Jessica and Hai, a globetrotting Australian couple and writer/photographer team currently based in Tokyo, document their adventures with words and images. The home page is a dynamic display of the vibrant images of the festivals and places they’ve explored and is a fun way to share their content.

[Theme: Customized Imbalance 2, a sophisticated theme for showcasing a group portfolio or online magazine.]

Thirty Six 24 Thirty Six

Two friends under the aliases Naomi and Elle approach weight loss, body image, exercise, and women’s health with heart, humor, and sass. The conversational blog is new, but the pair…

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WordPress.com News

At the beginning of 2012, we launched our wedding theme Forever and let you in on how you can use WordPress to document and share your wedding experience with your friends and family. Now we’re doing it again. Get the rose petals and bubbles ready, here come our two new wedding themes, Lovebirds and Ever After.

Lovebirds, a sweet theme with whimsical illustrations by our very own Caroline Moore, allows you to inform your guests about your journey and upcoming celebration — in style.


The lovely cursive font adds just the right amount of garnish to the clean layout, providing you with a beautiful, clear frame in which to tell your story. Where did you meet? How did the proposal occur? Who’s in the wedding party? Where will the wedding take place? Spare none of the details! Take the demo for a spin or learn more about Lovebirds

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स्वाधीनता का मर्म

स्वाधीनता का मर्म.

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गत माह अमेरिकी विदेषमंत्री हिलेरी क्लिंटन ने एक व्याख्यान में कहा कि चीन में लोकतन्त्र के विकास की ओर ध्यान नहीं दिया जा रहा है और यह चीन के विकास में सबसे बड़ी बाधा है। चीन के एक शोध संस्थान ने इसकी प्रतिक्रीया में एक लेख प्रकाशित किया जिसमें चीनी विद्वानों ने अमेरिकी वैश्विकवाद को चुनौति दी। उन्होंने प्रश्न किये कि जो पश्चिम में अपनाया गया है उसी व्यवस्था को अपनाना विकास कैसे माना जायेगा? क्या पश्चिमी देश दावे के साथ कह सकते है कि उनके द्वारा गत कई वर्षों से अपनाये गये तन्त्र ने देश के सभी लोगों को सुख प्रदान किया है? यदि पश्चिम द्वारा अपनायी व्यवस्था आदर्श होती तो आज उन देशों में बेराजगारी, कर्ज, सामाजिक व पारिवारिक विघटन क्यों बढ़ रहा है? लोकतन्त्र यदि आदर्श व्यवस्था है तो क्या इसने सभी देशों में आदर्श परिणाम दिये है? जिन देशों ने इसे अपनाया वे आज भी जब…

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